I believe….
If you are unable to sleep at night because you are thinking about something that has you excited or might be possible for you, that you should do it.
If you are unable to sleep at night because you are thinking about something that makes you angry or frustrated or worried or [insert other less desirable emotion], that it is a sign change is needed in your life.
Making change sucks, yet if we want to change our circumstance, we have to do it.
The only way you can get from A to B is to step toward B.
Making the decision to commit whole-heartedly towards doing something ‘scary’—even when there is no guarantee of success—is partly what heals us.
No one starts anything in optimal condition. The key thing is to start.
No matter how busy you are, we are always able to make small changes.
Small changes add up to big change over time.
An ‘all or nothing’ approach is not sustainable, nor enjoyable.
Our daily decisions will be most life supporting if we make them consciously. With awareness of our values, our options and the impact our decisions will have on creating our life circumstance.
Ignorance is not bliss: it is limiting.
Saying your secret goals out loud helps them come to fruition.
We truly can do anything we put our minds to.
Mental determination alone will not enable you to realise true long term ‘success’. It must be backed up with supportive actions to your body and spirit.
To form robust self-belief, we need to step outside of our comfort zone REGULARLY.
Fear, insecurities and doubts are simply the minds way of letting you know something important is happening and getting you to pay attention.
Our issues are stored in our tissues.
The body, mind and spirit are one organ – there is no separation.
We should eat, think and act in a way that enables - rather than inhibits and limits.
The body is very resilient & in a constant state of renewal. Change what the body gets exposed to & the body will change.
That no matter what you are trying to achieve in life, investing in good quality food and time for food preparation is a must. It will not only make your life experience better, but the world better.
We must feel in order to heal.
Hanging out with our thoughts – no matter how boring, busy or unpleasant they are – helps us understand what is at the root of them, freeing ourselves from them.
‘Big things’ do not happen magically, but magic happens when we pursue “big things” – commit to the “task” at hand and follow it up with MANY small steps.
‘Suffering’ is often a ‘blessing in disguise’.
For sustaining long-term endurance, mini-successes must be celebrated.
If you continually do ‘the work’ you WILL get the results you are seeking. Just like you would eventually get apples if you planted apple seeds and nourished them with they need to grow.
Time is precious, yet unlimited. Take your time. Enjoy your journey.
You don’t need to believe you are capable of doing something, or that a particular strategy will work. What you need is hope that something can be better, and a willingness to explore a new approach to see for yourself whether it works or doesn’t.
Despite effort and desire, when we are working towards changing our habitual thoughts and habits, or towards realizing ‘big things’, we ALL NEED someone on our team to not only have a more efficient and effective experience, but one that is more enjoyable.
Getting support does not mean you are weak - it indicates you are 1) aware that getting to where you want to go will likely present challenges, and 2) value getting there.
What do you believe?
Fancy being inspired by these truths in your daily life?
THEN Check out my ‘Living Truth’ inspirational wall art.
If this sounds like a belief philosophy you want to WORK WITH…
…then check out my offerings below.
All of them are set to ‘treat’ your body, mind and spirit.
Harness the power of meditation
& other holistic forms
of nourishment.
[most clients start here]
Rewire your neural pathways to change the way you think… & automatically change your life.
Improve your nutrition not to achieve your biggest weight loss potential, but to reach your highest potential!
“Jess has an unrelenting positive attitude that she projects both in herself & to those around her. When Jess retired from competing as one of the best women multisport & endurance athletes in the world, there obviously needed to be another avenue for her to commit & channel her energy into. Jess has found a new niche and an incredibly positive direction for her to channel her wonderful attitude to life. Jess is magnetic and passes on so much energy and goodness simply by just being in her company. If you choose to work with Jess there is no doubt you would be a far better person for it.”