“Sound has the capacity to shift neurochemistry and neurobiology in a profound and unprecedented way. As a therapeutic tool as well as a technique to unleash human potential.”
mantra power
When I first started working with mantra I could never have predicted its influence on my ability to reach my goals in life. In fact, I knew nothing about it.
Initially I started using mantra as a tool to enhance my athletic performance.
Without mantra, I would not have won the Multisport World Championships (twice), along with several other elite races during my professional racing career.
I now recite mantra to support the unleashing of the real me into this world. The real me that I had previously kept cooped up due to shame & fear that had formed as a result of the false assumptions and accusations I had made about who I was.
Without mantra, I would not have been able to develop the self-awareness, neural pathways & confidence necessary to be the real me in all that I think, say & do.
“When I began working with Jess, I had no idea the positive impact mantra would have on my body, mind and soul.”
Want to explore the power of mantra & realise your own unique goals?
Choose between:
Instead of journeying through different poses like you would in a regular yoga class to bring strength & nourishment to different areas of your physical body [e.g. hamstrings, neck, shoulders, lower back]…
… in mantra meditation you journey through different mantras & sounds to bring about different nourishment & healing to your body, mind & spirit.
Every group meditation always has a different intention set to help you be the best you, based off the energies & needs at the time.
Get set up with a mantra that will help you realize your specific goals, desires & needs in life.
Be fully supported as you embark on your own unique mantra adventure.
Explore mantra as a tool to rewire your neural pathways to change the way you think, and automatically you will create great change in your life.
Overcome undesirable habits. Make better choices. Gain clarity.
Set & realise heart-derived intentions. Connect to & learn to trust in your ‘inner knowing’.
Experience life’s inevitable challenges as opportunities, rather than setbacks.
“I thought I felt great yesterday after that amazing session, but today it’s even more profound. The subtle feeling of vibration has shifted into this beautiful contentment. My usual Monday morning dread I wake up with, was no where to be seen. The office seems more expansive today. This work is so good, Jess. Thank you for making it your mission to spread it!”
“Thank you for the beautiful online experience last night... I was truly vibrating when I went to bed. It was EXACTLY what I needed for what I have going on in life. Words truly can’t explain how much your words, and the group AUM’s resonated with me.”
What is Mantra Meditation?
It is a practice widely used by indigenous cultures around the world, where a mantra is recited in a ceremonial or meditative space.
I am specifically trained in India’s traditional form of mantra meditation, known as Nāda Yoga that has been used for 1000’s of years to:
The theories of how mantra works are certainly interesting and insightful.
But when it comes down to it, to truly understand the power of mantra it must be experienced!
“Mantra is a doorway to an awareness that exists beyond all limited bits of information or technical knowledge.”
Saying that, if you are a curious soul like me & would like to take a few minutes to nerd out on all things mantra you can do that here.
Know that you do not need to know anything about meditation, mantra or Sanskrit to work with me. I will explain the necessary theory as we go.
“Don’t let a lack of understanding of sound mantras stop you. Jess does an incredible job at explaining the process and the benefits you can expect if you take a chance on it! Highly recommend.”