“Mantras provide focus, strength, plasticity and adaptability to the mind, just as asanas do for the body.”
what is it?
Mantra is the rhythmical & repetitive recitation of an intentional word, sound or sentence.
It is used as a tool to exercise & strengthen the mind. You practice mantras for mental health, kind of like how you would eat healthy, do bicep curls, or squats to support your physical health.
Given the plasticity of the mind it is highly receptive to receiving the nutriment mantra offers.
Mantra meditation is the practice of reciting mantra, for the purpose of meditation. It is a practice widely used by indigenous cultures around the world.
I am specifically trained in India’s traditional form of mantra meditation known as Nāda Yoga.
Nāda Yoga is a meditative art & science that has been used for 1000’s of years to nourish & unite body, mind & spirit as a means of bringing about life enhancing peace, connection & transformation. Reciting mantra in English produces life changing results. In Nāda Yoga you recite mantra in Sanskrit - “the language of the gods” – which takes the power of mantra to the highest level.
“Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to use this force constructively, or destructively. Words have energy and power with an ability to heal.”
how does it work?
Mantras are like nutriment rich smoothies
Just like how you would put different ingredients together in a smoothie to bring about different taste sensations & objectives for the body (e.g. a certain combo to cleanse the liver, another combo to support joint health, another to lower inflammation etc.)…
… similarly different nutriment rich words & sounds get combined in a mantra to stimulate different desired outcomes within the body, mind & spirit.
“Each mantra has its signature energy that brings about a specific effect upon the mind, body & spirit.”
powerful elements
MANY elements contribute to the power of mantra.
ten of these elements are listed below:
Active participation – there is a special power that comes from deciding to be actively engaged in your pursuit to wellness relative to passively engaging other health therapies. Given the mantra is created by you from within you, its effects within you are very direct instigating powerful healing at a root level.
Cultivates the power of intention - supporting focus & manifestation.
Autonomic nervous system realignment - supports better mobility, organ function & resilience as you develop your ability to shift from being in a ‘stressed’ nervous system state into one that supports rest, digest, detoxification, repair & renewal of tissues.
Exercises & strengthens different neural pathways - supporting new positive thoughts & behaviours, that overtime with repetition can overpower negative habitual thought & behavioural tendencies.
Pranayama - moves breath & vital life force energy to restore energetic balance, stabilise mood, calm the nervous system, bring presence & support depth of meditation.
Sound medicine - penetrates & unites body, mind & spirit allowing deeper more holistic connection to “self”, the pulse of humanity & those around us. Also reduces stress-related gene expression.
High frequency vibrational sound currents creates light & a subtle self-massage – dissolves physical tension blocking the flow of nutrients & waste removal, as well as clears unserving low vibrational energy from the body that can be contributing to chaos within your inner & outer worlds (i.e. mental & physical health, material items or life circumstance). Lifts mood, awareness, overall wellbeing & your alignment with your true nature.
Rhythm - helps us move through challenges & develops a strong sense of safety allowing the nervous system to relax & deeper levels of meditation to be experienced. Rhythm also helps connect us to our inner wisdom, enliven our spirits, ground, feel, be present & sync into a flow state of perfect universal timing.
Nourishes different energetic systems (e.g. Cakras & Ayurvedic doshas)
Invokes high power energy (e.g. energy of primal creation elements such as fire, water, air, ether, wind, earth) bringing universal alignment, support & insight.
The effects these elements can have on your life are very profound. In fact, too profound to describe in words.
mantra is definitely best experienced.
“Making a conscious effort to manipulate the vibrations one is exposed to can be a great help for developing personal consciousness, as well as the evolutionary well-being of everyone around us.”
Mantra opportunities
Keen to experience mantras power?
Choose from:
Instead of journeying through different physical postures like you would in a regular asana yoga class to bring strength, space & nourishment to different areas of your body (e.g. hamstrings, neck, shoulders, lower back)…
…in a mantra meditation class you journey through different mantras & sounds to bring about different nourishment & healing to your body, mind & spirit.
Every group meditation always has a different intention set to help you be the best you, based off the energies & needs at the time.
Get set up with a mantra that will help you realise your specific goals, desires & needs in life.
Be fully supported as you embark on your unique mantra adventure.
“I thought I felt great yesterday after that amazing session, but today it’s even more profound. The subtle feeling of vibration has shifted into this beautiful contentment. My usual Monday morning dread I wake up with, was no where to be seen. The office seems more expansive today. This work is so good, Jess. Thank you for making it your mission to spread it!”
MY mantra experience
I have used mantra as a tool for maximizing my athletic performance & for improving my ability to connect with & be the real me. In both instances its power has exceeded my expectations.
I am a certified Nāda Yoga teacher after 200hrs of training specifically dedicated to learning mantra meditation & Sanskrit - the depth of which is added to by my previous knowledge & experience as a holistic nutrition practitioner, reiki master & teacher of qigong, cakra meditation plus yin, yang flow & restorative yogas.
I have taught at several festivals & studios, as well as performed countless hours of self-study & practice.
because of the profound impact mantra has had on my life, I absolutely love getting to share this practice with others.
“At the heart of each of us, whatever our imperfections, there exists a silent pulse of perfect rhythm - a complex of wave forms and resonances - which is absolutely individual and unique, yet is what connects us to everything in the universe. The act of getting in touch with this pulse can transform our personal experience and alter the world around us.”