“Self-care is giving the world the best of you, versus what’s left of you.”
it’s a real thing
If you had told me 10 years ago that my future would be dedicated to empowering women with the info, resources, skills & experiences they need to care for themselves on a regular basis…
I would have thought you were C R A Z Y ! ! !
I was a self-care skeptic who made a lot of assumptions about what it was & a lot of judgments about the people who did it.
Needless to say, I have had quite the change of heart!
Self-care is not only the best thing you could do for yourself EVER but it is also the best thing you can do for absolutely everyone you encounter, AND even those you don’t!
Self-care is for those that are not only looking to feel their best, but willing to do what it takes to be their best.
“Jess ability to hold the space for you with her empathy, understanding and respect cannot be understated. It allows you to focus in deeper and reach new heights and new insights within yourself.”
Calling all women swept up in the busyness of life…
Your drive to do your best has left you feeling burnt out & depleted. It has also led you to drift away from yourself. You want to reconnect to YOU, so that you are more able to BE YOU and do what matters for bringing about more meaning & joy in life.
You feel like you do not have time to tend to your needs or do the things that make you feel centred, let alone SMILE. You know something needs to change, even if you do not know what.
Despite best efforts to ‘manage yourself’ you still find yourself getting irritated or frustrated easily, or perhaps worried, overwhelmed or depressed regularly. You might wonder ‘why can’t I handle this?’. You wish for more patience, energy & stability.
You often find yourself doubting or thinking critically about yourself. You want more confidence & to start treating yourself with kindness.
You question whether your efforts to take care of yourself are worth it, especially given you don’t have huge chunks of time to dedicate to it. You struggle to say ‘no’ & feel pressure to tend to your responsibilities & the needs of others. This makes caring for yourself on a consistent basis challenging.
You might be feeling ‘stuck’ in life, or are at a point of significant transition seeking clarity around your next best step.
You have worked with other health practitioners. But more on an ‘as needed’ infrequent basis. You may know you need more thorough support, but asking for help is a challenge - you are a ‘do it yourself’ or ‘get through it’ kind of woman BUT you realize to get the ease you are seeking in life that it might be time to reach out.
Sound a bit like you?
Then this 1:1 MENTORSHIP program could be life changing!
“I honestly wasn’t sure what I would get out of working with Jess, and thought, well- might as well try and see.
It has been worth every cent and every second. Jess has given me the tools to care and love! She honestly gives a dam. Every human is worth the time and Jess will help you become a better you.”
Self-care is defined as, ‘providing what is necessary
to protect & maintain
all elements of your being
that make you unique,
healthy, happy & successful in life’
The key word here is NECESSARY.
Not wants. Not desires. Not to only provide it when you are run down.
Not practicing self-care because you are over indulgent, selfish or weak.
When you look at what self-care actually is, it is easy to see how beneficial having a consistent self-care practice could be.
Especially one that harnesses the healing powers of different holistic forms of nourishment to your body, mind & spirit.
Despite the benefits, getting started and staying committed to a regular self-care practice is definitely no easy feat.
Based off my personal experience I do not recommend you go at it alone. For long term success you need to have the right information & support in place.
Whether you are a curious self-care skeptic,
or a self-care lover who is keen to nourish yourself more consistently & completely
“Working with Jess has been an absolute privilege. She is incredibly insightful and intuitive. She is realistic about the everyday demands of life and she adapts her program to suit individual needs.”
The benefits that can be achieved from a regular self-care practice are astounding. Several areas of your life get enhanced - if not all.
Whether you are looking to perform at your best, or to have less stress, better health, & more clarity, confidence & happiness in life... prioritizing time for daily self-care is ESSENTIAL.
It is difficult for me to guarantee specific outcomes, as our work together will be tailored to your needs. But what I can do is show you some of the common benefits received by my clients:
An unapologetic priority & love of self-care – being able to say “no” or claim “me time” without guilt or shame.
An increased ability to make confident daily decisions that align with your heart [both big & small].
More acceptance & appreciation of the mundane, such as cleaning the house or doing the dishes.
Reduced grip on vices i.e. no longer NEEDING exercise, treats, alcohol, or to get “out of the house” to feel calm & satisfied.
Increased understanding of what underlies different moods & behaviours – both the good & the ugly – as well as your true needs so you are more able to communicate & fulfill them.
More able to be kind towards oneself & others – even in triggering situations.
Enhanced understanding, acceptance & love of who you are enabling you to be who you really are, deepening connections in all relationships.
BONUS is that self-care improves the health of every organ system within your body
[nervous, digestive, intestinal, cardiovascular, respiratory, hormone, immune, skeletal,
muscular, lymphatic, reproductive, skin & urinary]
Self-care is one of the most powerful ways to take responsibility for your success in life,
HOWEVER you want to define ‘success’.
want to experience the power of self-care for yourself?
“Negative thinking was in charge of me. I was so busy with kids that I’d lost myself and my way. I was not the mother I wanted to be. Jess was able to help me reflect on the underlying issues leading to my negative thoughts & anger. With Jess support I now have patience for my family and I have made it a priority to schedule time daily for myself. It can be done!”
ONE - ENERGETIC DISCUSSION that connects you to the wisdom within your heart. This allows us to create a self-care program that is resonant, meaningful, realistic and unique to your goals and needs, as well as overcome any challenges or limiting thoughts that may have prevented you any previous long term success in this area.
TWO - A PRACTICAL HOLISTIC PHILOSOPHY that collaborates learnings from my certifications in holistic nutrition, somatic therapy, yin & restorative yogas, mantra meditation, qigong, reiki, cakra meditation plus my experience as a professional 2 x World Champion athlete.
THREE - FUN, because personal growth should be an exciting journey of discovery packed with celebration & laughter.
FOUR - A PRIORITY TO EMPOWER YOU with what you need to independently continue to practice self-care long into the future. I offer recommendations & skills, plus the ‘why’ behind them to ensure you obtain your goals & that ‘aha’ moments practically translate into a new mindset.
FIVE - A SAFE NON-JUDGMENTAL SPACE for you to express & be.
“I found Jess was so easy, fun and empathetic to work with. Being so authentically her is her magic. It’s never too stuffy, always clear and concise and completely and utterly enjoyable on every level. We laughed, I cried (a lot!) and we totally energy vibed. It was amazing. ”
work with me
We meet online.
All sessions take place online via Zoom from anywhere in the world.
Your vital self-care 1:1 mentorship package includes:
1 x 2 HR initial one on one session PLUS 3 x 1.5 HR follow up one on one sessions.
[a total of 6.5 HRS of 1:1 face to face coaching]
Deep energetic dive into the heart to determine meaningful goals & needs to form a unique & very resonant self-care plan.
Check lists, daily log & other resources as needed to implement your self-care plan as efficiently and effectively as possible in your life.
Empowering practical education, including insight on expected challenges [e.g. resistance, self sabotaging behaviours] & ways in which to overcome them so that you can better navigate them should they arise.
Writing exercises to support clarity & integration of key lessons.
Follow up email after every session that outlines the key points discussed, ‘aha’ moments & the ‘homework’ to be undertaken between each session.
Optional daily accountability check ins.
Unlimited email access between our sessions to keep you on track as you practically implement your self-care practice & its teachings into your life.
“We had some amazing online sessions. It was great being able to reach out when I needed some additional help.”
You choose what you pay
I offer scaled pricing rather than one fixed price. This structure makes it possible for more people to access this package. You will not need to prove a thing. I trust your self-evaluation. Please choose the option that feels appropriate to you and your circumstances.
rebalancing access
For those with more than enough financial resources and a desire to support access for others to help rebalance system inequity.
fair access
For those with sufficient financial resources and who can pay fair value for the experience.
supported access
For those with currently limited financial resources who will benefit from access supplemented by the community.
[once you are booked in I will send you your payment options from which you can pay via e-transfer or credit card]
After you complete your 4 sessions, you may opt for more 1:1 sessions on an as-needed basis.
My ongoing rate is $89 per hour all inclusive.
Your payment covers more than just the time we meet face to face.
Every 1 hr of face to face time requires about 1 additional hour outside of the time we meet for preparation and follow up e.g. email summaries, creation or customization of resources as needed. Your payment contributes to these hours, as well as:
Any additional communication surrounding the program e.g. scheduling, additional email support as needed and accountability/progress check-ins.
Hosting platform subscriptions e.g. Zoom, client resource storage for access on private website.
Other miscellaneous expenses to support your ease and success within this offering.
Check out one of my upcoming events OR email me to request more information about how the sessions roll OR to set up a free 15 min discovery call.
Given good things take time, typically I ask clients to commit to the full 4 sessions in order to receive the most value. However, if — after paying for the full package — you come to the first session and for some reason really do not wish to continue, I will refund the 3 outstanding sessions.
Before signing up, I would prefer it if you took a moment to tune into your heart to ask it if working together is a good fit.
You are not able to rearrange your priorities outside of our sessions to practice regular self-care [time ranges from 5–30 mins most days].
What you are actually seeking is psychological counselling and/or talk therapy for specific mental health or trauma issues.
You are looking for nutrition advice. If you are keen to get set up to to nourish yourself better nutritionally this requires more of a specific focus. Check out my nutrition coaching program here.
You are up for real meaningful growth, AND
You are keen to start providing yourself with what is NECESSARY for you to 1) be your most glorious unique self, and 2) live your best life!
“I feel more patient, motivated and centered. I’ve especially noticed this when I am face to face with a challenging situation with my kids or partner. They have noticed too which is why I now know how important my self-care practice is.”