“Problems can’t be solved by the same level of consciousness that created them.”
Elevate your consciousness.
Session 1
Prepare to Heal
In the first session we do a deep energetic dive - connecting with the heart to determine your most resonant goals & needs in life right now. Mentally you may already have an idea of what these are, but we endeavour to uncover the REAL reason behind what is driving you to embark on this new mantra journey at a soul level. This not only helps you tap into the heart-centred ‘WHY’ behind why you are feeling called to practice - supporting greater commitment & likelihood of success - but it helps me ensure that I give you the best suited mantra for your unique needs and situation.
In this session we also determine your most serving guide for your practice (i.e. the number of times per week you will practice, the duration & style of the different sessions, and the length of time you will work with this mantra) which differs for everyone. We want your practice to be a realistic addition to your busy lifestyle. Knowing this information helps give you time for you to prepare your schedule (& mind) before we officially get underway.
You are also sent away with my recommendations for setting up an inviting, practical & powerful place for you to practice and other resources relevant to our discussion so that you can hit the ground running.
Whilst no mantra is practiced during this session, it is a very important session that lays the ground work from which your mantra practice will launch off.
Session 2
Up Up & Away
The second session is usually scheduled approximately 1 week after the first.
During this session we discuss the intention & meaning behind your chosen mantra.
Learn about the ‘healing process’ and the role mantra can play in it, as well as the possible challenges that can arise when committing to a regular meditation practice so that you can better navigate them should they arise. Other logistics get covered as necessary, all with the intention of getting you ready to embark on a successful mantra meditation experience.
To realise the greatest healing potential from your mantra practice via the activation of the right energetic channels & neural pathways, you are taught the appropriate Sanskrit pronunciation for your mantra.
We end our session with a short ceremonial style mantra practice together to set the intention & tap into the support you will need for your journey.
In your follow up email, you receive supportive handouts & videos, including mantra recordings for you to listen to &/or chant along with as part of your personal practice between sessions.
DURATION: 1 hr 30
Session 3
Into the Flow
The 3rd session is usually either set up approximately 2 weeks after your second session to support you part way through your mantra journey, or at the end of it about 4 weeks later depending on your circumstance, goals and needs.
We discuss how the practice has been going - observations, challenges, lessons learnt e.t.c.
We then delve into either energetic discussion or a mantra meditation ceremony to best support your needs & energy at the time.
If this is your final session we have a celebratory focus as well as endeavour to get you set up for ‘what’s next’.
DURATION: 1 hr 30
Add on Sessions
Working in the energetic space, it is difficult to predict exactly how your journey will unfold. I ask you to trust the process knowing that I always have your best interests at heart with a mission to maximize every interaction we have together for your greatest betterment.
Depending on your needs, you may wish to add on additional sessions. These can be done at a special rate of $89 per hour all inclusive, and can be varied in length to suit your needs. Typically they would look like:
A 45min-1hr check in to discuss any challenges and keep you feeling inspired and motivated along your journey, or
A 1hr30 check in that covers the same as a 45min check-in but also allows space for energetic discussion or ceremony.
Between Sessions
Receive a follow up email from me after every session outlining the key points discussed, ‘aha’ moments, the ‘homework’ to be undertaken between each session & any other recommendations. The purpose of this email is to allow you to be present during our sessions without having to worry about potentially forgetting any key nuggets discussed, and to give you a reference to refer back to so you can observe progress and deepen your learning/understanding.
During your mantra practice, optional daily accountability check-ins are available.
You also have unlimited email access between our session to ask questions or share your experiences, so that I can support your practical implementation of the mantra & its teachings into your life.
Program Scheduling
I recommend you set aside some extra time on the tail end of our sessions (about 15 mins). Given the energetic nature of the work we are engaging in, sometimes a session needs to run over time & if it doesn’t, either way it is good to have a bit of ‘spaciousness’ after our session for you to have a more relaxed return to life activities.
The span of time it takes to undertake the 3 sessions varies. They typically occur with a 1-1.5 month time span. We can meet at whatever time interval works best for you, but I would recommend keeping them all within a 2 month span at the most in order to maintain traction and momentum within your practice.
Please complete the following online registration form ideally no later than 24hrs prior to our first session. Thank you.
YOU CHOOSE WHAT YOU PAY for all 3 sessions [a total of 5hrs of 1:1 coaching + support between sessions].
I offer scaled pricing rather than one fixed price. This structure makes it possible for more people to access this package. You will not need to prove a thing. I trust your self-evaluation. Please choose the option that feels appropriate to you and your circumstances.
For those with more than enough financial resources and a desire to support access for others to help rebalance system inequity.
For those with sufficient financial resources and who can pay fair value for the experience.
For those with currently limited financial resources who will benefit from access supplemented by the community.
Payments are all inclusive.
If you prefer to split up the payment, email Jess to request an invoice be sent to you after each session.
If you reside in Canada, you also have the option of paying via e-transfer to jess@stokedlife.coach.
Your payment covers much more than just the time we meet face to face - it covers:
All communication surrounding the program e.g. scheduling, follow up summaries, additional support as needed and check-ins.
Customization or creation of resources as needed.
Hosting platforms e.g. Zoom, client resource storage and access on private website.
Other miscellaneous expenses to support the success of this offering.
I VERY MUCH look forward to working with you!!!
“Jess ability to hold the space for you with her empathy, understanding and respect cannot be understated. It allows you to focus in deeper and reach new heights and new insights within yourself.”