“The importance of mantra is not limited to Yoga & spiritual practices. Mantras improve all human activities and our connections within the whole of life. In fact, mantra can help us do whatever we are doing better, with more awareness & greater connection to the consciousness of the universe.”
You want a tool that will calm your busy, restless, & ambitious mind so that you can enjoy more presence in your day, and make better decisions in your daily life
You might find yourself regularly in situations where you feel muted, or not able to speak what it is you really want to say. You might notice this as: not sharing an experience because you think no one cares, being too intimidated to share your ideas at work, or struggling to stand up for yourself or someone else when being judged or hurt.
You notice that many of the thoughts that circulate through your head in a day are not exactly supportive. They are made up of self-critique, doubt, worry, and your to-do list. You want to replace them with kind thoughts that support you to embody your awesomeness and move confidently through life.
You might be feeling ‘stuck’ in life, dealing with a ‘big change’ or at a place of significant transition, and seeking support or clarity around your next best step.
You find yourself repetitively doing things that you don’t want to do - things that cause you stress and frustration, in attempts to fill your own expectations, those of others or simply because you '“can’t” despite knowing better.
You desire a tool that will consistently connect you with your inner voice, so you will attract what is resonant with your true wants and needs.
Find yourself relating?
Then mantra could be an excellent tool for you.
Perhaps settle in & read on…
“After a scary health diagnosis, I knew I needed to add meditation into my life. But I just couldn’t seem to stick with any programs and nothing felt right. Jess’s mantra sessions were a godsend. They helped me get into a meditative state everyday plus it comforted me knowing that what I was chanting was having resounding benefits to my body, personalized to my needs.”
“Jess’ coaching was above and beyond what I expected. I loved the energetic aspect and truly felt like I received deep energetic healing during our sessions. I saw huge shifts from learning to express myself, to shifting my entire energy into my light and purpose!”
The potential value a mantra meditation practice could add to your life is so profound, it is difficult to describe in words.
Clients receive a mantra practice that is tailored to their needs, and therefore they receive unique outcomes.
That said, some common benefits received by my clients are:
Less wired and reactive. More mental stability, satisfaction, calm, presence, focus and ability to ‘go with the flow’ within life’s adventures.
Increased clarity of needs, and enhanced strength and courage to take action to fulfil them.
Enhanced self-awareness of limiting thoughts, actions and beliefs so that you can make adjustments and choices that are more in alignment with who you are at a soul level.
Dissolved barriers limiting your innate creativity and self-expression — whether in personal relationships, work life, hobbies, or more public forums.
Experiencing obstacles and challenges as ‘blessings in disguise’ where you are able to utilise the opportunity for personal growth and positive change they provide.
Access to deep meditative states that expand your sense of who you really are, your connection with others, and the universe as a whole.
BONUS - Mantras help you become more resilient!
Mantras nourish several different locations, fluids and tissues within your physical body improving your inner harmony & ability to cope with life stressors. Mantras help clear tension inhibiting the correct alignment of your nerves. Stimulating & strengthening the vagus nerve, they help you shift from a stressed nervous system state to one that is supports relaxation, digestion, detoxification, repair & renewal of tissues more quickly in daily life.
Whether you are new to mantra or meditation,
OR a regular meditator looking to add to your existing practice,
OR a teacher of meditation, yoga or kirtan; or other holistic wellness professional…
“Jess’s assistance in selecting the best mantra to add to my daily spiritual practice has been invaluable. She is very adept at tuning in to what element is needed next at a consciousness level and with her knowledge and training in the mantras, she has consistently selected just the right thing.”
“Jess’ meditation coaching has benefited me in many ways. I now have a greater awareness of who I am and how I want to live my life. It has and continues to challenge my belief systems & perceptions of reality, bringing me into greater alignment with my true self. It has been a very healing experience.”
ONE - A SAFE NON-JUDGMENTAL SPACE for you to be & express yourself.
TWO - EMPATHY & INTUITION developed from my mantra meditation practice, reiki master, qigong practice & other life experience.
THREE - FUN because exploring mantra and discovering your true self IS fun!
FOUR - SANSKRIT PRONUNCIATION COACHING to exercise the precise neural and energetic pathways allowing you to have a deeper meditative experience and a more powerful result from your mantra practice.
FIVE - A PRIORITY TO EMPOWER YOU with what you need to independently practice mantra and integrate the lessons and heightened self-awareness it provides long into the future.
“I have found Jess’s down-to-earth teaching style refreshing, inviting and authentic. I recommend Jess to both those familiar with mantra and absolute beginners.”
“I love Jess’ authenticity! And in particular her ‘rebel’ attitude of doing what works for you, and not what a specific set of rules someone says you “should” do. It feels empowering to own my new practice that was built from my heart.”
A mantra specifically chosen to address your unique situation, needs & goals.
Mantra words plus education on the meaning & intention behind them.
Sanskrit pronunciation coaching to add power to your practice.
Mantra recordings to chant along with as part of your meditation practice.
Meditation & other lifestyle tips that will support your daily practice.
Insight on expected challenges & ways in which to overcome them so that you can better navigate them should they arise.
Document to track your mantra meditation & mindset observations.
1 x 2 hr initial set up in a 1:1 session.
$200 CAD all inclusive [2hr session + resources]
[this package suits those who already have an established meditation practice &/or are highly self-motivated]
EVERYTHING provided within the MANTRA SET UP package plus additional ongoing support:
Deep energetic dive into the heart to determine resonant goals & needs.
2 x 1 hr 30 ongoing 1:1 support sessions.
Follow up email from me after every session that outlines the key points discussed, ‘aha’ moments & the ‘homework’ to be undertaken between each session.
Optional daily accountability check ins.
Unlimited email access between our sessions to keep you on track as you practically implement the mantra & its teachings into your life.
[a total of 5hrs of 1:1 coaching + all resources + accountability & support as needed between sessions]
You choose what you pay.
I offer scaled pricing rather than one fixed price. This structure makes it possible for more people to access this package. You will not need to prove a thing. I trust your self-evaluation. Please choose the option that feels appropriate to you and your circumstances.
rebalancing access
For those with more than enough financial resources and a desire to support access for others to help rebalance system inequity.
fair access
For those with sufficient financial resources and who can pay fair value for the experience.
supported access
For those with currently limited financial resources who will benefit from access supplemented by the community.
[you can pay via e-transfer or credit card - once you are booked in I will send you more details]
“The knowledge, support and materials Jess provided were outstanding. She is very open for you to contact her, offering helpful insights to make your experience even richer.”
Your payment covers much more than just the time we meet face to face.
Every session requires about 1.5 additional hours outside of the time we meet face to face for preparation and follow up e.g. email summaries, customization or creation of resources as needed.
Your payment contributes to these hours, as well as:
Any additional communication surrounding the program e.g. scheduling, additional email support as needed and accountability/progress check-ins.
Hosting platform subscriptions e.g. Zoom, client resource storage and access on private website.
Other miscellaneous expenses to support your success from this offering.
We meet online.
All sessions take place online via Zoom from anywhere in the world.
You may opt for more 1:1 sessions on an as-needed basis.
My ongoing rate is $89 per hour all inclusive.
“Partnering with Jess helps me to stay accountable for the practice and gives me an opportunity to share the results. Jess’s enthusiasm, intuition, and devotion to mantra are coupled with a practical approach that really helps me to stay on track.”
“Jess personalisation of the mantras is what really sets her apart. She is able to set you up with a mantra exactly for your current needs. It is simple to use her recordings every day at home and even while travelling!”
want to get to know me better first?
One of my upcoming mantra meditation events.
OR email me to request more information about how the sessions roll & what we cover. We could also set up a free 15 min discovery call.
Take comfort in my REFUND POLICY
For MANTRA SET UP ONLY: No refunds are offered.
For MANTRA SET UP WITH ONGOING SUPPORT: To receive the best value I ask you to commit to the full 3 sessions. However, if — after paying for the full package — you come to the first session and for some reason really do not wish to continue, I will refund the difference between Option 1 & Option 2.
Before signing up, I encourage you to take a moment to tune into your heart to ask it if working together is a good fit.
You are not able to rearrange your priorities outside of our sessions for your mantra practice [time can range from 15–30 mins most days, minimum twice per week].
What you are actually seeking is psychological counselling and/or talk therapy for specific mental health issues or traumas.
You are up for meaningful growth, AND
You get excited at the thought of unleashing the full beauty that is you, awaiting you!
Ready to explore the power of mantra?
“Jess ability to hold the space for you with her empathy, understanding and respect cannot be understated. It allows you to focus in deeper and reach new heights and new insights within yourself.”